Friday, 3 December 2010

'I Should Start Doing Work' Blog Post.

As the title suggests, I am typing this instead of doing work, which isn't much of a surprise as I'm a rather lazy bugger. Erm... Not much has really happened since my last post on Saturday, apart from I found out on Monday that I'm the only Banjo player on my course, I've also figured out that I've got quite a few assignments due in in about 2 weeks and I've barely started one or two and haven't started others - In other words: I'm f****d.
But regardless of the amount of work, I went out with Hazel, Ryan, Caitlin, Dani and Rich last night - Was good fun. Went to Wetherspoon's for a few drinks and then to Live Lounge and that's pretty much it in a few words, but we were out for quite a few hours - I think I got to bed at about 3-4 this morning. That's pretty much last night in a nutshell, to be honest. Apart from one thing: Hazel straightened my hair before we went out as she wanted to see what it was like straightened in real life. And here's a photo of what it looks like at the moment:

There's no wonder I got ID'd in Wetherspoon's yesterday - I look about 16 not 19 (Also does anyone think I've lost weight? My Mum and my cousin said that I've apparently lost some weight...). Erm... I don't think there's anything else to add about current affairs, so I shall move on...

I'm looking forward to the Christmas break as I'll be able to see all of my mates from school again and go out for a drink. Also on the last Friday before the break is when I'm doing my ensemble performance - Should be good fun, but also slightly nerve-racking. I'm also very much looking forward to getting another guitar for Christmas, which is an Agile Interceptor 830. And this is a picture of it:
Yes, it does have 8 strings...

Right that was a quick update.
And now I should actually get on with some work.

I shall catch you later *salute*.