Sunday, 8 November 2009

My Quest For a 7-String Guitar

As the title states, and as some of you probably know, I'm looking to get a 7-string guitar for my 18th birthday which is 13 days away. And all I've managed to do in the past couple of days is make the list of guitars bigger...
Before Friday I had my eye on the Ibanez S7320 (There are pictures in my last post) but when I came online on Friday I had a few offline messages on MSN waiting for me from Calum with a few links to the website showing me another 7-string guitar from a company called Agile, that guitar was now on my list. Then, I had a browse through the website and saw another 2 guitars, an 8-string (Reeeaally nice, I'll put a picture of the guitar after this paragraph. I also found a Bloodburst version of it, looks pretty nice too) and a 7-string which was the same model as the first but in a different colour and slightly longer (The length probably means nothing to non-guitarists or even makes sense to some guitarists reading this). But still, I had added another 3 guitars to the list in a few hours.
But after doing some research on and Google I noticed that there was no such thing as a pack of strings for an 8-string, and the only way I could get strings for the 8-string would be a 7-string pack and a thin bass string, which to me seems like too much hassle. So the 8-string was stricken off the list not too long after being added.
The looks and reviews of the Agile guitars were making me think more about the Agile's than the Ibanez...
These are the 2 Agile guitars that I was torn between on Friday and Saturday (Since the Ibanez was pushed to the back of my mind, also notice I said 'was torn between'). Even though most of the people I asked which one they preferred went for the Green, I went against them and decided that if I was to get an Agile, it'd be the Silverburst mainly because of the colour but also because it has a longer neck (If I wanted the Green one I'd be pretty gutted since they're out of stock at the moment and they're out of stock on the 8-string I looked at, so just aswel I chose the SIlverburst).
But I'm not 100% going for an Agile, as I listened to some Youtube reviews of the Ibanez S7320 and it sounds pretty good, so I don't know where I'm going at the moment with 13 days left until my 18th.
Either the Agile Interceptor Pro 727 EB Silverburst or the Ibanez S7320 (And either in Black or White)

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