That list I compiled in the title of my last post, has now been ticked off completely *tick*. I have a PS3 and I have a pipe also. I've spent quite a lot of my time on the PS3. I have two games at this current moment in time - Killzone 2 and Borderlands - Borderlands is my favourite out of the two, I can't be bothered to go into detail about the game, but basically you pick which of 4 characters you wana play: A big guy that's special skill thing is punching really hard, a girl that's special power is going invisible and moving fast, a guy in a mask that's special power is to send out his pet Bloodwing to attack an enemy and the last guy's a soldier whose power is deploying a turret, and then you can either play on your own, online with people round the world, your friends or multi-player (Offline). I started playing Borderlands on Boxing Day and within a week I was level 33... Maybe 34... Anyway, I've spent too much time on it really, and that's not counting the time I've played on Killzone.
That last bit was written on the 5th of January, says how much I hate my computer. Not really sure how to end it, so I'll just write a bit of a recap. Although, I doubt anyone's gona be reading this...
Anyway, as a few of you know I bought a new guitar in February - A 5-string Bass, from a company called Shine. Set me back £170 (But I only paid £100 of my own money ^.^), I saw it in Cardiff Guitars one day and a week later I went back to get it. My mum had a bit of a shock, not really surprised seeing as I already had 5 guitars, now 6.
Just imagine this in Blue and not in as good condition and that's pretty much what it is. It's quite good for a second hand bass, but I'm sure most of you don't really care. But I likes it.
Haven't done much at all in the past few months apart from go drinking, playing PS3 (Just over 31 hours on Killzone 2 online at the moment) & Gameboy, doing a Rubik's cube over and over (Damn you Gareth!), guitar (Obviously) and I can't think of anything else... I don't think I've really done anything else... Oh yeah, I've watched all 3 series of Mighty Boosh too, I quite like it, favourite character's the Crack Fox.
Anyway, that's all I can be bothered to say for this post, bye for now.
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